
Automation - my philosophy

For co-existence, we rely on automation.

When your mother washes your plates for you, that is automation.

Automation allows you to chase your dreams, while your other tasks are being handled.

As a species, we observe that the world around us is automated, and so are our functions.

There is a fear that mechanical automation can replace humans. But that fear is rooted in the reasons for implementation of automation. If automation is implemented to fuel capitalism, it can negatively affect people. If automation is implemented so that a person can escape their normal work, so that they can live lavishly, they will become lousy.

If automation is implemented for the right reasons, then there is nothing to worry.

Mechanical automation is not always perfect, and for that reason we use it wherever it feels appropriate.

As a species, when we build things, we first co-ordinate the operations and then we automate it later if it feels appropriate.

The key point is that we must always take into consideration how it affects the world around us.

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